by Gary L. Parker
It's so easy to create legitimate-sounding excuses why something can't be done now. We convince ourselves that we are too tired, too hungry, or too busy to tackle even simple tasks. The weather is too hot, too cold, or too nice. And things come up that need to be done first. First, I will clear off all the papers on my desk. First, I will read through the mail, read the newspaper, cut my fingernails, water the plants or clean the refrigerator. Why do we do this?
•If we think a job will be unpleasant, we avoid it. It's human nature. Who wouldn't rather spend time doing pleasant stuff? Most of us welcome challenging assignments. But there is a big difference between a task that is challenging and one that is unpleasant. Compared to an unpleasant job, we would rather do most anything else. Who would want to start the day having to fire someone? Who looks forward to with an insurance claim? Unpleasant tasks get in the way. They can ruin your day if you let them.
•We postpone anything we think takes too long. The more time we estimate a job will take, the better the excuse for not doing it now. It is common to overestimate the time necessary to accomplish unpleasant things. On the other hand, we tend to underestimate the time it will take to do pleasant things. In this way, we have a rationale for doing pleasant tasks first. Being unrealistic about the time it takes to get things done can cause needless postponements.
•If we think something is difficult we put off doing it. This difficult job may not be unpleasant. In fact, this difficult job may be something you would really like to do. The end result is appealing. It may advance your career, improve your home or just generally make you feel good about yourself. A good example of this situation is writer's block. A writer can have the idea in mind and interest in the subject, but the project can appear overwhelming.
•Fear of failure causes delayed or abandoned projects. One way to avoid failure is to never start. Otherwise you may learn something you would rather not know. For example, you may think of yourself as an artistic person. If you never try to paint a picture, you don't risk learning the truth. Perhaps you could have become a great artist. Fear of failure prevents you from finding out. Fear makes anything you want to do appear difficult and unpleasant.
Feeling guilty about something you're putting off is a sure sign of procrastination. That's because our inaction causes us to break promises. We break promises to others and to ourselves. How can we stop feeling guilty and overcome procrastination?
•Visualize how you'll feel when it's over. No matter how unpleasant the job, you can tolerate it for a little while. Get it over with. Work in segments if necessary. You'll feel great when it's done. Focus on end results. Think about the payoff. You will build enthusiasm. Enthusiasm overcomes fear.
•Make a list of every step involved. We tend to view large projects as a single task. Instead, break it into manageable parts. Then, plunge right in. Don't wait for inspiration. Take each step one by one. As you complete each part, you'll gain momentum. Half the battle is getting started.
•Learn to say no. The advantage of saying no is you won't have to do it. Duh! Most social and civic obligations are self-imposed. Choose wisely. Be polite, yet be firm. Saying something like, "I have a conflict" is unoffensive. And no further explanation is necessary. Saying no makes it possible to say yes to things that matter most to you.
•Discover the power of appointment with yourself. It's common for us to schedule appointments with other people. We record the day, time and place so we won't forget to be there. Why not do the same for yourself? Schedule time to accomplish important projects. Be specific about start and ending times. Scheduling legitimizes any activity. It reduces interruptions and increases the likelihood you'll actually do it.
When you raise your awareness of what causes procrastination, you are better able to catch yourself doing it. Identify what is holding you back. Then, use these techniques and do something about it. What's stopping you?
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